Sunday, August 9, 2009

[Videos] eBay Find of the Day: 1980 Datsun 280ZX Black Gold #1

There's a great Sam Kinison routine that goes something like this: the problem with cocaine is that it ends one of three ways. You die, you go to jail or you run out coke. Of course, there's a fourth possibility -- you buy a Black Gold Datsun 280ZX! Only, we'd hardly consider the latter a "problem." Besides, if you buy this Black Gold you're Pablo Escobar, king of all that is 1980s. Why? Because it's ichiban, baby: Black Gold #1!

That's right -- the very first Black Gold. This baby is just sitting there on eBay waiting for you to snatch her up. Currently, the first bid is for $35,000 -- reserve hella not met! Now you might be thinking, "being 1 of 3000 is pretty special, but it's not greater-than-$35,000 special." And that's where you're wrong. This Black Gold has but 1,052 miles on it. We get press cars with fifteen times as much mileage. It's a brand new car! As working car journalists, we can't hardly afford the long distance phone call to Georgia to bug the poor seller half to death, let alone go any higher than thirty-five large. Here's hoping you can.

Ah, but you were born when Reagan was president, and you don't remember the 80s, let alone Black Gold. We're here to help. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Z, Nissan Datsun released 2,500 Black Gold 280ZXs, along with 500 Black Red cars). While they were little more than trim packages -- special paint, leather seats, lots of decals stating "10th Anniversary," and a couple of numbered plaques -- Black Golds are nonetheless hugely desirable. Especially when those numbered plaques all say "1 of 3000."

Still not getting the whole Black Gold/Datsun/Cocaine trifecta? A bit confused about the awesomeness of T-tops and the double-triple awesomeness of a stainless steel 8-track? Then you must watch the unbelievably amazing commercial that Datsun used to actually air on the TV back in 1980, immediately following "Vote for Reagan" spots. Seriously, you won't believe your eyes after the jump, and here's hoping you don't have to pass any drug tests for the next little while. Talk about a contact high... Thanks to Tyler for the heads-up.

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